Transmittance Standards

Avian Technologies supplies a wide range of transmittance standards for both regular and customised applications in the UV-Vis-IR regions.

Analytik delivers a comprehensive range of diffuse reflectance standards, coatings, targets and integrating spheres to the UK and Ireland from Avian Technologies.

We will be happy to work together with you on the specification and application of Avian Technologies reflectance standards, coatings and targets with the full support of the Avian Technologies team.

Visit our contact page, request a quote, or call us on +44 (0)1954 232 776.


Transmittance Standards

Avian Technologies supplies a wide range of transmittance standards for both regular and customised applications in the UV-Vis-IR regions. Transmittance calibration is essential for assessing the dynamic range of detectors and optical systems and Avian Technologies’ years of experience and attention to detail will ensure your essential systems stay accurate and true.

A variety of sizes, specifications and options are available, so please contact Analytik for technical questions and pricing information. All transmittance calibration standards are traceable to NRC/NIST and paper-copy/digital calibration data is provided.

For transmittance wavelength calibration standards, please consult our Rare Earth Oxide Wavelength Calibration Standards page here.

Please see the Transmittance Standards sets available:

 Part # Product Description
TFS-NDU-03-02 Neutral Density Filter
Sets-Metal on Fused Silica
(UV/VIS range
Three neutral density filters with nominal transmittance of 0.3, 0.5,
and 1.0 A, calibrated 250-700nm with tabular data at 10nm intervals
and digital data on CD at 1nm intervals.
Filter size 2″ x 2″ (thickness varies by density).
TFS-NDG-03-02 Glass neutral density filters Three neutral density filters, calibrated over the range of 360-780nm
(CIE color range) with tabular data at 10nm intervals and digital data
on CD at 1nm intervals. Nominal densities of 0.3, 0.5, 1.0 OD.
Filter size 2″ x 2″ (thickness varies by density).
TFS-NDG-06-02 Glass neutral density filters Six neutral density filters, calibrated over the range of 360-780nm
(CIE color range) with tabular data at 10nm intervals and digital data
on CD at 1nm intervals. Nominal densities of 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.6, 1.0, and 2.0 OD.
Filter size 2″ x 2″ (thickness varies by density).
TFS-ND-06-02 Neutral Density Filter Sets,
Inconel on Optical Glass
Six neutral density filters, calibrated from 400-2000nm tabular data
at 20nm intervals and digital data on CD at 1nm intervals.
Nominal densities are 0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 OD.
Filter size 2″ x 2″ x 2.0 mm

There are more Transmittance Standards sets available:

  • Infra-Red Transmittance Standard
  • Cuvette Format Transmittance Standards
  • Coloured Glass Filter Sets

Request a quote for the Transmittance Standards or call us on UK: +44 (0)1954 232 776.


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