UK Extracellular Vesicles Interest Group Meeting 2016
Analytik and partner Particle Metrix will showcase a ZetaView nanoparticle tracking analyser for hydrodynamic particle size, zeta potential and concentration at the UK Extracellular Vesicles [...]
NPL Focus User Meeting – The Differential Centrifugal Sedimentation Technique
Analytik is pleased to announce and sponsor the Focus User Meeting on the Differential Sedimentation Technique, organised by their CPS Disc Centrifuge user, The National Physical Laboratory [...]
RSPSoc (Society for remote sensing and photogrammetry) Conference 2016
Next Generation Remote Sensing Technology at the RSPSoc 2016 Analytik will be introducing the latest remote sensing technology at the RSPSoc 2016 at the University of Nottingham, September 5-8. [...]
SEAHA (Science and Engineering in Arts, Heritage and Archaeology) Conference 2016
Non-destructive testing and analysis of historical artefacts at the SEAHA Conference 2016 Analytik, partner and student supervisor for the SEAHA (Science and Engineering in Arts, Heritage and [...]
GEO Business 2016
Discover the latest hyperspectral imaging technology at our stand K7 and workshop at GEO Business 2016 Analytik and our new partner Headwall Photonics will introduce Headwall’s [...]
Seminar on Innovative Analytical Techniques at Old Trafford
Download Press Release Seminar on Innovative Analytical Techniques at Old Trafford Biggleswade, UK, August 2005: Analytik Ltd is pleased to announce a technical seminar on Friday 2nd December [...]