Join us at Agri-Tech East’s REAP Conference 2018
Analytik is excited to be attending the 5th Agri-tech East REAP conference on the 7th November. The event will be discussing whether competitive, sustainable food production is where Agri-Tech will make the most impact…

About the Event
The event will be discussing what areas of agriculture should investment be focused upon. The key areas which will be discussed include the prioritisation of high value crops to support a bio-economy, novel forms of food production and enhanced ecosystem services.
Analytik will be demonstrating and answering questions about highly innovative scientific techniques which have been proven to revolutionise the agricultural industry. These examples of the latest scientific instruments will be explained by Analytik’s product specialists, who will be able to answer your questions and build and recommend solutions which will maximise your agricultural efficiency.
To find out more about the event, or register to attend, click the button below.
Find out more about our Agricultural Solutions
Analytik provides a range of innovative scientific instrumentation ideal for agricultural research applications. Example applications include: crop and soil research with ASD‘s portable spectrometry, detecting disease in seeds, crop and plants with Videometer‘s multispectral imaging system, and mapping land and fields with Headwall‘s UAV mounted hyperspectral imaging sensors.
To find out more about our solutions for agriculture, click the button below.