RSPSoc (Society for remote sensing and photogrammetry) Conference 2016

Analytik will be introducing the latest remote sensing technology at the RSPSoc 2016 at the University of Nottingham, September 5-8.

The latest innovative solutions include:

  • ASD Inc FieldSpec 4 High-Res NG is the latest portable Vis-NIR spectroradiometer. The enhanced spectral resolution of the instrument has been designed to meet the specifications of NASA’s next generation of airborne visible/infrared imaging spectrometer.
  • ASD Inc TerraSpec Halo mineral identifier is the lightest and fastest Vis-NIR instrument available for the exploration geology market – an all-in-one handheld full range NIR device, producing immediate multi-mineral results and scalars.
  • Agilent Technologies 4300 Handheld FTIR is a lightweight spectrometer that enables you to take measurements wherever they are needed. An ergonomic design and choice of interchangeable sampling interfaces make the system a highly useful handheld spectrometer for all types of analysis.
  • Headwall Photonics Hyperspectral Imaging Analysers are small, lightweight sensors that are designed for airborne/UAV mounting with complete integration: on-board data-processing/storage and GPS/IMU.



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