LM20 Microfluidizer® offers effective cell disruption for Queen Mary University London
We caught up with Dr Petra Ungerer, Biochemistry Department Lab Manager at the School of Biological and Chemical Sciences (SBCS), Queen Mary University London, (QMUL) to find out how the LM20 Microfluidizer offers effective cell disruption.
When and how did you first become aware of Microfluidizer® technology?
When our old cell disruptor broke down about a year ago, we started a search to see what was out there. We came across the system and after a demo, where we gave (Analytik) the toughest of our yeast samples to lyse, we were very impressed and decided to purchase the (LM20) Microfluidizer®.

What has the Microfluidizer® enabled you to achieve?
The biochemistry department is very diverse and many groups rely on the use of the Microfluidizer® for their research. We have a protein facility providing a service that purifies proteins from any system as requested by the end user. There are research groups working with bacteria, yeast, cyanobacteria, diatoms and mycobacteria, all of them using the Microfluidizer® to lyse the cells in preparation for their downstream experiments.
Efficient lysis of some stubborn yeast strains like Yarrowia is definitely something we were struggling with before acquiring the Microfluidizer®. Also it is great, for example, that E. coli and diatoms can be lysed by passing them only once, when previously several passes were required.
What industries do you believe your work could potentially benefit in the future?
SBCS is involved in fundamental research, therefore links to industry are not always well defined. However, a number of groups are involved in research characterising molecular mechanisms through the study of protein structure and function. Specifically, we have strategic areas focussing on photosynthesis and the molecular basis of disease. So potentially their findings may have impact on future development of drugs and crops.
How do you plan to use the Microfluidizer® in the future?
As far as I can see our main applications will always be preparing samples for structural biology or biochemical experiments. But who knows, (SBCS) is very dynamic and with new academics arriving additional applications may be desired; which we will try to facilitate.
LM20 Microfluidizer® Processor
The LM20 Microfluidizer® Processor is a digitally controlled high shear homogeniser for small volumes. It maintains identical sample processing conditions for uniform particle and droplet size reduction (often submicron), deagglomeration and high-yield cell disruption. Like all Microfluidizer® Processors, the LM20 excels at efficiently converting high fluid pressures to intense shear forces.
Find out how the LM20 Microfluidizer could offer effective cell disruption for you below.