Headwall Photonics Wins Platinum Innovators Award
Analytik is pleased to report that spectral imaging partner Headwall Photonics has been awarded Laser Focus World’s Platinum award in the Detectors & Imaging category at the Laser Focus World Innovators Awards.
Winning product: MV.X Embedded-Vision Hyperspectral Imaging System
Presented by John Lewis, Editor in Chief at Laser Focus World, at a virtual event held on 12th October, he said “Unlike conventional cameras, this embedded imaging system does not require a separate computer to read and process imaging data. Instead a small but powerful computer and solid state memory inside the IP67 rated enclosure performs real-time classification and then outputs the results over a GenICam-compliant gigabit ethernet interface. Using modern machine learning techniques, the MV.X captures hyperspectral data across the Vis-NIR wavelength range, from 400-1000nm, that is representative of the products it will see along the processing line and an algorithm can be used to spectrally classify items such as food, plastic, stone, wood, textiles, paints, dyes and pigments.”
Find out more about the Hyperspec® MV.X >