Join us at the UK National Earth Observation Conference 2022

We are pleased to announce that Analytik will be exhibiting at #UKEO2022, in conjunction with our spectral imaging partner Headwall Photonics.

The UK National Earth Observation Conference 2022 is the premier annual event for the Earth Observation, Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry community, to meet, network and learn about the latest developments in scientific research and space-enabled technology.

Our Hyperspectral Imaging Sensors are ideal for a wide range of environmental monitoring and earth observation applications. From soil analysis to environmental change detection, Headwall’s small, light, high specification hyperspectral imaging sensors are expertly designed for interchangeable use in lab, field and airborne applications.

With outstanding spatial and spectral resolution, a wide field of view and a high signal to noise ratio, Hyperspec® Hyperspectral Imaging Sensors offer optimal performance for even the most demanding applications and harsh environments.

Registration the UK National Earth Observation Conference 2022 for is now closed – we hope to see you there!


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